Thankfully none of the mobs are immunte to magic. Wait till after storm castle, the damage taken, the mobs swarming you, and the amount of unblockable attacks and the amount of unstunnable foes (for melee) is a trainwreck. So i deleted my level 62 bandit and kept my 38 Hero. My mage zipped through everything without a scratch. It's not solo friendly for dex and with melee you just have to go super slow.

Then I went in with my Bandit (who I usually keep way overleveled to compensate for the super gimp class) and at level 62 I got my butt handed to me and escorted out the door. Not saying my melee was bad - it was just blatantly in your face subpar to magic. THEN I went past Storm castle and did the magic castle - My mage did fine at level 32 but my melee was TRASH in comparison to my mage. Subscribe 151K views 1 year ago Elden Ring Class Guides Elden Ring Hero Class Guide - Strength Build Guide In this Elden Ring Hero Class guide, I'll go through how to play the Hero. All the way up through Storm castle and killing the 1st 2 bosses, I felt Dex was gimped the worst, melee was super underwhelming, and magic was S tier. Here is the problem - I went min/max with a melee build (Hero class) and I went min/max with a dex build (bandit class). Elden Ring: Best Warrior Build The Dual-Wielding Whirlwind (Greatswords Optional) Primary Stats: Vigor, Endurance.